
The 2nd International Conference on ICT Application Research (IAR 2024) is the second international conference to be organized by the International ICT Application Research Society (IIARS).

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is a bridge that links people, products and information. New ideas, technologies and applications are being developed at an exponential pace, and hence, the growing importance of ICT. IIARS was established on the 18th of September 2016 with the aim of promoting research on ICT applications.

One notable feature of IIARS is the wide range of research areas covered. Our researchers study not only ICT itself, but all fields of study that use ICT, ranging from science and engineering to the social sciences.

IIARS has held 8 annual conferences and 14 workshops, and has published 7 journals. Building on the success of The 1st International Conference on ICT Application Research (IAR 2024), The IIARS Board has decided to hold this international conference (IAR 2024).

IAR 2024 will be held as a hybrid conference. The General Committee of IAR 2024 understand that some attendees may not be able to travel to Aomori due to various reason. We are therefore offering the conference attendees the option of remote presentation and/or participation.

The registration fees for both 'virtual' and 'in-person' participation will be the same. Those attending virtually will miss out on the opportunities to network during the conference dinners and coffee breaks, but will not have to bear the costs of travel- in terms of air/train fares and time- that in-person participants will have to shoulder. Moreover, conference meals and coffee breaks will be covered by some subsidy. For these reasons, the organizers have decided to set the same rate for both 'virtual' and 'in-person' participants. Paper presenters and participants can choose between 'virtual' and 'in-person' participation and will be allowed to change the choice at any time.

Important Dates

Workshop and Special Session Proposal Due:
May 10, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline:
July 12 July 26, 2024 (Japan Standard Time) Extended
Notification of acceptance:
July 26 August 9, 2024 Extended
Poster Submission Deadline:
August 1, 2024
Competition Deadline:
August 1, 2024
Deadline for author / early registrations:
August 11, 2024
Deadline for late / Onsite registrations:
September 3, 2024
August 31 - September 3, 2024
Deadline for cameraready:
September 17, 2024
