Call for Papers

Important Dates

Paper Submission will start:
May 17, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline:
July 12, 2024(Japan Standard Time)
Notification of acceptance:
July 26, 2024
Deadline for author / early registrations:
August 1, 2024
August 31 - September 3, 2024
Deadline for cameraready:
September 17, 2024
Proceedings publishing:
September 30, 2024 (estimated)

General Information

IAR is the unique conference for researchers, industry professionals, and academics using ICT. More specifically, it will address challenges with ICT Application Research and all category of research using ICT. The conference is organized by IIARS. The conference will include plenary sessions, technical paper sessions, and invited industrial/ special sessions. Accepted technical papers will be published in "Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT Application Research" with an assigned ISSN number and each publishing paper will be given an unique DOI. You are invited to submit papers in all areas for ICT research.

We solicit research, experience papers, research-in-progress, and practitioner reports in any of the technical areas listed under Scope & Topics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • ICT Application Research
  • Art and ICT
  • History and ICT
  • Archaeology and ICT
  • Linguistics and ICT
  • literature and ICT
  • Humanities and ICT
  • Economics and ICT
  • Geography and ICT
  • Management and ICT
  • Political Science and ICT
  • Psychology and ICT
  • Sociology and ICT
  • Social Science and ICT
  • Biology and ICT
  • Chemistry and ICT
  • Astronomy and ICT
  • Physics and ICT
  • Natural Science and ICT
  • Informatics and ICT
  • Mathematics and ICT
  • Formal Science and ICT
  • Agriculture and ICT
  • Architecture, design, and ICT
  • Commerce and ICT
  • Computer Science and ICT
  • Business and ICT
  • Education and ICT
  • Engineering and ICT
  • Library Science and ICT
  • Medicine, health, and ICT
  • Medical Science and ICT
  • Game and ICT
  • Applied Science and ICT

Submission Instructions

Please read the instructions below before submitting the paper at the submission page. Don't hesitate to contact the PC chair at iar2024[_a_t_] for any submission questions.

Formatting and templates

Technical papers submitted for IAR are to be written in English. Papers must be in MS Word and PDF format and at the following pages, including references and appendices. Please note that your paper may be notified as a different type of paper. For example, your paper may be notified as a short paper even if you have submitted your paper as a full paper.

Authors should prepare the submissions using the following IAR conference template only. All fonts, images, tables, and figures have to comply with common standards and not generate problems for reviewers. The type of your MS Word file is allowed ".doc" or ".docx". Submissions not meeting the formatting requirements risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Proceedings Publication

Accepted papers will be recorded in "Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT Application Research".. Each publishing paper will be given a unique DOI.

Journal Publication

Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for "International Journal of ICT Application Research". Each publishing paper will be given a unique DOI. This journal will be published in February and April every year.

Conflicts of Interest (COI)

When submitting the paper, authors must declare the conflict of interest (COI) with the Program Committee members, including the chairs. Those who are considered COI include:

  1. Anyone who shares an institutional affiliation with an author of the paper at the time of submission.
  2. Anyone who was the advisor or advisee of an author at any time in the past.
  3. Anyone the author has collaborated with or published within the prior two years.

PC members, including chairs with a conflict of interest with a paper, will be entirely excluded from the evaluation of that paper. Please declare COI or declare fake COI to avoid the paper being rejected. If a PC member with COI reviews a paper, it will be rejected.

Early Rejection and resubmitting

Program Committee will start the review of your paper after you have submitted your paper. Papers that receive substantially negative initial reviews will be rejected early. The authors of early-rejected papers will receive a copy of their initial reviews. The authors have been able to resubmit the updated paper again until the deadline for submission.

No-show policy

The paper may be excluded from conference proceedings if the presentation is not made at the conference. No-show papers are not recommended in post-conference publications, and IIARS congress does not receive the papers submitted by past no-show authors.

Accepted Special Session 1: "ICT Education"

The "ICT Education" session is a platform for presenting research findings on the use of digital technology in education and learning, including methodologies and effectiveness. In recent years, the utilization of digital technology has been actively pursued in various fields of research. For instance, there is consideration for effectively utilizing ICT, such as introducing educational and learning methods like experiences in VR spaces and simulation content. This session aims to present research results on methodologies that make learning content more understandable through the use of ICT, as well as methods that promote activities to enhance thinking, expression, and creativity.

In this session, various educational methods and case studies related to ICT will be the main themes of presentation, but we are also open to soliciting topics from a wide range of related fields without limitation.

Accepted Special Session 2: "Mathematics & Information science in ICT"

ICT refers to a wide range of technologies for information communication, whose foundations are based on both pure and applied mathematics. A well-known ex-ample is the RSA cryptosystem (1977), which uses Euler’s Theorem and relies on the computational difficulty prime factorization for its security. Many number theoretic objects and algorithms, such as elliptic curves and hyperelliptic curves, have been used for the design of secure cryptosystems, as alternatives to RSA. Coding theory- which ensures the integrity and efficiency of information transmis-sion- is also based on many areas of mathematics such as algebra, number the-ory, combinatorics, and geometry. With the ongoing research towards building quantum computers, mathematics will also be needed for quantum information science, which seeks to understand how information is processed and transmitted using quantum mechanical principles.

Conversely, information science has also contributed much to mathematics. The practical problems related to information communication have motivated the de-velopment of new ideas and theories.

The purpose of this session is to deepen the discussion focusing on research dealing with the relationship between ICT and mathematics. We welcome con-tributed papers in coding theory, cryptography, and other areas of applied math-ematics relevant to ICT

Paper Submission site is here.