Call for Sponsorship

IAR 2024 offers the following conference sponsorships and associated benefits:

Sponsor Benefits

#1 Logo on the top page
Your logo can be put on the top page of IAR 2024 and added your link to the logo. The logos are displayed in order of application and sponsor rank.
#2 Distribution of materials
Your materials can be delivered to attendees. If the materials are digital, it can be delivered to in-person and virtual attendees. If not, it can be delivered to only in-person attendees.
#3 Waived registration fee
A part of sponsor will waive conference registration fees for sponsor’s representatives including lunch, reception and banquet. The upper limit number of the free attendees is written in Sponsor Benefit Table.
#4 One keynote/invited speech
Silver, Gold and Platinum sponsors retain rights to do one keynote/invited speech of a sponsor representative.
#5 Welcome address during cocktail party
Gold and Platinum sponsors retain rights to do one welcome address during cocktail party.
#6 Conference awards in the name of the sponsor
Platinum sponsors retain rights to set conference awards in the name of the sponsor. The person who is in charge can award to the winner directly at the conference banquet.

Sponsor Benefits Table

# Item Supporter Bronse Shilver Gold Platinum
1 Logo
2 Materials
3 Waived registration fee - 1 2 3 4
4 Speach - -
5 Welcome address - - -
6 Conference awards - - - -
Sponsor Fee 50,000 JPY 100,000 JPY 200,000 JPY 300,000 JPY 500,000 JPY


We will be waiting for your sponsorship. For more detail, please contact iar2024[_a_t_]