Call for Special Session

Important Dates

Workshop and Special Session Proposal Due:
May 10, 2024
Decision Notification:
May 17, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline:
July 12, 2024
Notification of acceptance:
July 26, 2024
Deadline for author / early registrations:
August 11, 2024
August 31 - September 3, 2024
Deadline for cameraready:
September 17, 2024

Accepted Special Session 1: "ICT Education"

The "ICT Education" session is a platform for presenting research findings on the use of digital technology in education and learning, including methodologies and effectiveness. In recent years, the utilization of digital technology has been actively pursued in various fields of research. For instance, there is consideration for effectively utilizing ICT, such as introducing educational and learning methods like experiences in VR spaces and simulation content. This session aims to present research results on methodologies that make learning content more understandable through the use of ICT, as well as methods that promote activities to enhance thinking, expression, and creativity.

In this session, various educational methods and case studies related to ICT will be the main themes of presentation, but we are also open to soliciting topics from a wide range of related fields without limitation.

Accepted Special Session 2: "Mathematics & Information science in ICT"

ICT refers to a wide range of technologies for information communication, whose foundations are based on both pure and applied mathematics. A well-known ex-ample is the RSA cryptosystem (1977), which uses Euler’s Theorem and relies on the computational difficulty prime factorization for its security. Many number theoretic objects and algorithms, such as elliptic curves and hyperelliptic curves, have been used for the design of secure cryptosystems, as alternatives to RSA. Coding theory- which ensures the integrity and efficiency of information transmis-sion- is also based on many areas of mathematics such as algebra, number the-ory, combinatorics, and geometry. With the ongoing research towards building quantum computers, mathematics will also be needed for quantum information science, which seeks to understand how information is processed and transmitted using quantum mechanical principles.

Conversely, information science has also contributed much to mathematics. The practical problems related to information communication have motivated the de-velopment of new ideas and theories.

The purpose of this session is to deepen the discussion focusing on research dealing with the relationship between ICT and mathematics. We welcome con-tributed papers in coding theory, cryptography, and other areas of applied math-ematics relevant to ICT

How to propose your Special Session

  1. An applicant for an IAR 2024 special session organizer must send a proposal to iar2024[_a_t_] The proposal should include the following 7 items: 
    • Organizer’s Name
    • Organizer’s Email address
    • Organizer’s Affiliation
    • Country
    • Title of Special Session
    • Abstract of Special Session (between 150 and 500 words)
    • Expected number of papers to be submitted
    Special session / workshop proposal form
    We will receive the reply until 72 hours. If you have not received our reply, please resend your email.
  2. The IAR 2024 program committee will review the proposal after receiving it, and notify the result to the applicant in about one week. If accepted, the applicant to the special session organizer is requested to submit the reviewer list to the special session chair in one week. Moreover, the special session organizer must pay attention to followings. 
    • The special session requires at least 5 papers that will not be subject to the regular review cycle.
    • Special session organizer have to send the accepted paper list to IAR 2024 program committee chair until the date of Notification of acceptance.
    • The special session organizer must register to the conference.
    • The special session organizer can designate a session chair. Only registered participant can be designated as a session chair to avoid no show onsite. The special session organizer also can hold the post of the session chair.
    • Please pick the “certificate of organizing special session” up at the registration desk of the conference venue. 
  3. Call-for-paper or other information about the special session will be shown in the following website ( ).
  4. The organizer will receive the information of schedule and procedures about paper submission and review, publication of the proceedings, and conference management. The organizer is requested to utilize the IAR 2024 website for paper submission. In the website, the organizer can assign papers to reviewers, and report review results to IAR 2024 program committee.

Benefit for special session organizers

The organizers can gather people who are interested in the theme you are also interested in, and referee the submitted papers based on your criteria.